Conversion-Focused Features

Build Lead Capture Forms That Convert At Higher Rates Than Conventional Web Forms

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Interactive Content

Using interactive content can have your prospects engaging more readily and providing more information. It improves the user experience and makes it easier to capture more relevant information.


Personalize your forms to connect better with your prospects. For example: refer back to the person's firstname when asking for their lastname. "Hi {firstname}, nice to meet you. What's your last name?" This makes the experience more appealing and the prospect is more likely to continue filling out your form.

Conditional Logic

Conditional logic (also known as branch logic or skip logic) lets you ask the questions that are relevant to your users and skip the questions that are not relevant. It makes the process more conversational and natural and make your prospects feel like you're addressing their unique needs (or goals).


Use animations to improve user experience. Our eyes innately pay attention to moving objects, and animation is like eye candy. For example, animated progress bars indicating how much progress a prospect has made in completing the form.

Contact Verification

Automatically verify a person's email or phone number before allowing them to submit the form. This is one way to make sure the person is serious about your product or service if they provide a legitimate way for you to follow-up with them.


Use Images and Videos to increase engagement. Visual content can be more appealing and often motivates people to take action faster than words can.

Device Detection

Adjust content depending on a user's browsing device. Images and videos are automatically resized and displayed in the highest resolution. Font's can be made bigger or smaller. You can also hide or show content depending on screen size or device type.

Geolocation Detection

Automatically detect a user's geographic location by their IP Address and use it to display any relevant content specific to their location. Also lookup Zip Codes and map it to the city and state.

Performance Tracking

Track the form conversion rates and dropoff rates. Test different variations of your forms. Also add third-party conversion tracking scripts like facebook pixels, google analytics, retargetting pixels, etc.

Session Recording & Replay

Record and watch a replay of how users interacted with your form so you know what works and what doesn't. You can see how fast they answer questions, when they pause and when they leave your form. You can then redesign it to reduce drop off and increase the completion rates.

Custom Confirmation Pages

Show a custom thank you page after the form is submitted. You can also redirect users to other websites.

Email & Text Confirmations

Send the user a confirmation message by email and/or text after they submit the form.

Email Autoresponder Integration

Have your users automatically "opted-in" to a third-party email autoresponder program of your choice.

Submit Notifications

Receive notifications by email and/or text after your form is submitted. You'll have easy access to the form entry without having to log-in to your dashboard.

Branded Domain Names

Use your own branded domain names to generate form urls when hosting your forms on our web-servers.

API Integration

Easily integrate your forms with third-party software or crm. For example, receive the user data by an API push notification after your form is submitted. See API for more information.